Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Official Kentucky Recap

I've been meaning to post a photo recap from our vacation in Kentucky, but Jess kept the camera with her after I came home, and then once she got back, I couldn't find the doohicky that I use to download the photos to my computer. I just found it in the bottom drawer of our bookshelf that is one of two junk black holes into which Jess will shove anything that is out in the open in order to give the illusion of order and tidyness. The other is the real junk drawer which I strive to reserve for those things easily identified as "junk" such as spare batteries, rubber bands, a few pens, keys that open who-knows-what, etc.; but which is another dumping ground for anything that's not supposed to be out and about.

Anyway, that's kind of a soap box of mine, so I'll come down from it now.

So here's how our trip went:

Day 1- We arrived in Kentucky on Tuesday morning, and Jess' dad and his wife, Marcy, picked us up from the airport. We headed two hours out to their quaker house out in the country (Demossville), and rested and freshened up from our trip. We spent the rest of the day hanging around the house, taking a walk, jumping on the trampoline, and catching up with the family (the family includes Jess' dad, Douwe, his wife, Marcy, and my sisters-in-law, Danielle, Camille, and Carynn.)

Marcy with their dogs Auggie, Marley, and Marco

Camille, Jess, and Carynn

The girls in front of the picturesque house

Me, Douwe, and Carynn jumpin' on the trampoline.

I look like I have a gross pot-belly in this one.

Day 2-7:
I just realized that I can't remember what we did on each individual day; they all started to blur together. Much of our time was spent around the house, relaxing, reading, napping, eating, talking, and just sitting and taking in the beauty of the country around us. Some of the "highlights" included (not in chronological order):
-going to a "local" (still 20 minutes away) park to play tennis and volleyball (play is loosely defined here...),
-Jess and the girls picking "5 oz. Blackberries (apparently that's HUGE!),
-going on a 15 mile bike ride,
-finding a litter of newborn kittens in an old barn,
-their cats Sunny, and old Spooks
-going to their church on Sunday,
-having small groups at their house,
-celebrating Camille's 16th birthday,
-me and Douwe shooting Civil-War era rifles

Here's video of me shooting my rifle. I basically would've singlehandedly won the Civil War...probably.

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