Not a whole lot going on at the moment. By that I mean, that the everyday tasks of life have been pretty consuming the last week or so.
I've subbed a few more times at Village Christian, and I have an interview this Wednesday morning at the Hart school district. If I could get in there, I bet I could sub every day if I wanted to. Pray for that interview, that it would go well, and if God wants me subbing in those schools, that he'd get me in the classroom.
We had our church Christmas party (on the 2nd?? yeah, early is good) this past Sunday night. It was a great night of food and hanging out, listening to Christmas music, and all the stuff. We even did Christmas light tours with a big ol' truck and hay bales in the back. I didn't have my camera with me, but I might be able to get a few to post.
I put up Christmas lights on our little condo. I was pretty proud of myself, considering there was no convenient electrical outlet anywhere. I'll take a picture and put it on here so you can be amazed. The lights were $1.50 at Home Depot, so I got like 5 boxes, but I think I might want to get a few more...
Oh, and I think we're decided on getting a fake Christmas tree.
We think that the pros outweigh the cons in this area, and although there's a unique charm to a real tree, the tying it to the car, dragging it in the house, getting all sap-covered, and the shedding needles are just a pain. If you feel we're making a mistake, leave me a comment, and we can talk about it. The fake trees are easy.