One of my favorite bloggers, Al Mohler, posted an ad from a Nebraska newspaper asking for kids to observe in an upcoming ADHD study.
His blog post was titled "What Kid DOESN'T Fit This Description?" and I think he hit the nail on the head!
Here's an excerpt:
The number of children -- especially boys -- diagnosed with ADHD has skyrocketed in recent years. While some boys may well have some kind of genuine problem, the vast majority appear to be diagnosed as, well . . . boys. As physician Leonard Sax, author of Boys Adrift, explains, a diagnosis of ADHD lets everyone off the hook, so to speak. The boy is told he is not responsible for his behavioral problems, the parents are relieved of anxiety over inadequate parenting, teachers and bureaucrats have a new pathological slot into which boys can be filed, and drug companies get to sell pills. Everybody wins.
Click HERE for the full article.
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